Wednesday, July 16, 2008

World Food Crisis Due To Increase in Oil Prices

During the June 3-5 Conference regarding the World Food Security of the United Nations’ Food and Agricultural Organization which was held in Rome, FAO Director Jacques Diouf announced that the sudden inflation in the prices of food prices was affecting every single country in the world. This problem not only manifests itself through the countless riots and deaths but also in the toppling of a government which happened in Haiti and of course, it is common knowledge that a country can be tilted from one way to another depending on the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of its population.

Diouf also expressed his growing concerns towards governments and ruling elitists internationally over the potential revolutionary implications of the upward spirals of prices for basic food needs because of the increase in oil prices. It has already started a economic and social crisis which is felt worldwide. Demonstrations have been more and more rampant in the recent months many of which are speaking out against the rising food and oil prices.

More and more consumers are no longer able to afford the world market prices for these basic commodities and their national government are compelled to take measures in order to avoid famine and revolt amongst its people. These measures might offer resolutions to some local problems but they also increase difficulties elsewhere. Perhaps the most devastating price increase besides that of the gas prices is the price for basic food grains. These foods are non-perishable and are widely traded. They also make up a third or more of an average person’s caloric intake, especially in poor countries.

Vietnam, China, India and Egypt have all announced rice export bans or restrictions back in April 2008. These bans left Thailand as the largest exporter thus far. Thai exporters can opt to raise their prices further if Indonesia and Iran, who have been waiting for prices to fall, begin buying rice. China, who is also a major producer and traditional exporter, also face high demands for animal feed as well as for ethanol and corn syrup plants.

South Korean journalists recently reported a rare street protest in North Korea which happened in March 2008. The protest is speaking out against a 60% reduction in the rations distributed throughout the state as well as the execution of three North Korean residents who illegally went over the border into China in search for food. Obviously, the high food and oil prices are getting to everyone.

In the Middle East, continuously skyrocketing food prices have cause a number of pro-longed political as well as social conflicts into the open. Yemen was shook by tumultuous riots wherein the government had to deploy tanks against the protestors who were demanding jobs as well as salary raises to help them cope with the increase in food and gas prices.

In a world where not everyone is well-off changes such as increases in gas prices act like a domino effect. Affecting each and every one in different ways and even though changes have been made and certain measures have been undertaken, many are still suffering from its effects. It really makes one wonder how the world would cope if these inflations continue further and people don’t start doing anything to prevent it.

David Jackson is an Internet Marketer and a driver concerned with the current rising gas prices around the World. So with all the essential information and powerful tools needed to help you lower your gas bill in running your car at the maximum fuel economy , can be found at Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Copyrights@ Carpediem. This article may be printed in any form , on the guarantee that the article stay the same without any omittances , deletions , alterations or changes throughout this article. This copyright is to stay with this article.

Social Effects of Oil Price Increase

Some people think that just because they don’t own a car or don’t travel around often that increases in oil prices don’t affect them at all. That is completely false. A change in oil prices affects everyone and in this article, I’ll take you to the places where people are already experiencing difficulties coping with the ever changing gas prices.

Mexico City, a mass protest about the rising price of tortillas which is a food staple there. In West Bengal, there are erupting clashes over food rationing. In Senegal, Mauritania as well as in the further areas of Africa social unrests are rampant as the price of rice grains continuously go up. In Yemen, hundreds of children rallied and demonstrated in communities in order to cry out awareness towards the often overlooked subject of “child hunger”. All these events stand in stark contrast to what many customers have expected in the past decades, lower food prices.

February 13, the FAO released an announcement which stated that 36 countries were in crisis, a direct result of higher food prices and need external assistance from other countries. Call it bad luck but many of these countries didn’t just suffer from increased commodity prices due to an increase in oil pricing, they also suffered nature’s fury as well as conflict among its people.

Headlines often tell us of news about more increases in food commodity prices and though it is a comparatively current occurrence this upswing in the prices of essential commodities has already began in 2001. Food prices increase as a direct response to several factors such as higher energy and fertilizer prices, an increase in the need for biofuels specifically in the US and European Union, as well as the famine in Australia and other countries. World Grain Stocks have reached a record low and the prices for next year’s supply is depending on how successful the subsequent harvest in the northern hemisphere is.

To help you picture this, envision a family with low earnings that might have to pay about 20 cents for every kilogram of rice this year and then spend 30 cents on rice the following year but there isn’t any change with how much they earn. For people who spend half or more of what they earn on food alone, these increases would definitely be a big blow to their budgets. In Yemen, where they import about 2 million metric tons of wheat every year, clearly shows how an increase in food and oil prices can also increase poverty. Only after a year of profile price inflations which doubled wheat prices they already saw a significant change of 6 points in the country’s poverty statistics. In cases like this, it is the urban poor that suffer more as rural citizens are mostly sellers rather than buyers of food. But there could also be sever effects on rural folks especially if they are landless rural workers or farmers who rely solely on wages which may not be enough to accommodate the rise in food and oil prices.

David Jackson is an Internet Marketer and a driver concerned with the current rising gas prices around the World. So with all the essential information and powerful tools needed to help you lower your gas bill in running your car at the maximum fuel economy , can be found at Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Copyrights@ Carpediem. This article may be printed in any form , on the guarantee that the article stay the same without any omittances , deletions , alterations or changes throughout this article. This copyright is to stay with this article.

Gas Price Increases Over the Last 2 Years

Gas prices are the result of different factors such as processing and distribution costs, crude oil prices, the strength local currencies, local demand, as well as the availability of the local sources for gasoline supply. Fuel is a worldwide trade and as such trade prices are the same while the price paid by the consumer is a reflection of national pricing policies. There are places such as Europe and Japan that impose high taxes on gas prices while there are those that subsidize the costs as seen in Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. Did you know that Western countries have the some of the highest oil consumption per person? The largest consumer is the United States which consumes and average of 386 million US gallons or 1.46 gigalitres of gasoline, each day!

Factors that contribute to the fluctuation of gas prices include increasing worldwide demand for petroleum as well as the weather that directly affects the available supplies of gasoline. Good examples of this are the Hurricanes Katrina and Rita which decreased the supply of refined oil in the US back in 2005. Seasonal demand can also affect gasoline prices. Like in the past, many families in the United States chose to take long vacation drives during the summertime and because of the high demand gas prices increased 5% in those months alone. Countries who are members of the OPEC also have control over gasoline pricing. Members have control of over 40% of crude oil productions all over the world. They also have two-thirds of the world’s crude oil reserves. OPEC member’s sets levels of production for each of its member countries to make sure that oil prices are at a target level. However, many peak oil analysts have doubts about the OPEC’s capabilities to have the spare production capacity to cause significant changes in petroleum prices. Just in June of this year (2008) an OP-ED article which responds to the US Congressional hearings regarding the practice of oil speculators, Jon Birger, wrote that the oil speculators are not the ones who are raising oil prices, instead he blamed it on the Congress.

But despite the increasing high demand for petroleum in the USA, despite the continuous increases in worldwide oil prices, Gasoline prices in the USA remain significantly low in comparison to other Western countries. In June of this year (2008) the price of gasoline in the United States was US$1.07 per litre. In a report by Cambridge Energy Research, they reported that 2007 was the peak year of gasoline usage in the United States and that an “enduring shift” in energy consumption practices was caused by record energy prices during that year. Also included in the report was the fact that in April (of the same year) gas consumption was lower than the year before and this suggested that 2008 would become the first year that gasoline usage in the US declined. The first time in 17 years but then again, total miles driven by people in the US declined back in 2006. So it isn’t exactly an unforeseen event.

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David Jackson is an Internet Marketer and a driver concerned with the current rising gas prices around the World. So with all the essential information and powerful tools needed to help you lower your gas bill in running your car at the maximum fuel economy , can be found at Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Copyrights@ Carpediem. This article may be printed in any form , on the guarantee that the article stay the same without any omittances , deletions , alterations or changes throughout this article. This copyright is to stay with this article.

Food Prices Increase: Fill up tanks or Fill up hungry stomachs?

The continuous rise in food prices, worldwide, are causing some hunger and malnutrition problems in poor countries and has also set back the on going fight against poverty by at least 7 years according to the World Bank. A call for rich countries to immediately commit an excess of $500 million was sent out by World Bank President, Robert Zoellick for what he referred to as a “New Deal for Global Food Policy”. Zoellick also said that the price of wheat had risen to about 120% in the past year which more than doubled the cost of bread. Prices for rice grains were also up by 75% within a span of 2 months culminating to a total of 83% increase in food prices in the past three years alone.

In Bangladesh, a 2 kg bag of rice already eats up almost half of what a poor family’s daily income is. To survive the continuous rise in prices, people eat fewer meals. In Yemen, people are now spending more than a quarter for what they earn on bread alone. What it is about is not the meals that were forfeited for that day but instead the long term effects on a person’s health such as stunted growth both physically and intellectually. Furthermore, the gas price increase has also set back food crisis and poverty reduction worldwide by at least seven years, considerably very long for the people trying to fight against it.

Zoellick said that this is about the recognition of a growing world emergency as well as acting on it and seizing opportunities to help. The world can do this, he says. He urges people to not be satisfied with papers, studies and talking about it. He also said that besides the $500 million contribution to the World Food Programme there should also be an expansion for the safety-net programmes in poor communities. He also called for a boost to long term financial supports that aid productions, saying that Agriculture should be a priority. The bank also plans to double the loans it gives to agriculture projects in many developing countries to $800 million.

People are feeling the weight. Riots have erupted in several countries, including India and Mexico a response to the rapidly rising cost of basic food commodities in just a span of 12 months which is an effect of the high oil prices. Many government officials from several countries have imposed bans on export for these commodities in an effort to bring their prices under control but Zoellick warned against such responses. He was also very critical of the sudden rush to grow crops to be used for biofuels, another response to the increase in oil prices. The USA and Europe have also encouraged the use of such fuels to tackle climate change as well as to provide alternative oil resources but this policy often times diverted agricultural land farther from food and exacerbated price increases. These increases in crop production for biofuels may have significant environmental benefits but by doing so they drive up prices thus further crippling the lives of the countless poor.

David Jackson is an Internet Marketer and a driver concerned with the current rising gas prices around the World. So with all the essential information and powerful tools needed to help you lower your gas bill in running your car at the maximum fuel economy , can be found at Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Copyrights@ Carpediem. This article may be printed in any form , on the guarantee that the article stay the same without any omittances , deletions , alterations or changes throughout this article. This copyright is to stay with this article.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Changes In Vacation and Driving Habits Due to High Gas Prices

Price is a huge factor which is why many Americans find themselves trying to conserve energy consumption utilizing ways that were thought to have been forgotten since the early 1980’s. But still, one foolproof way to save on gas is to drive less. Common Sense. Normally, the number of miles driven in the United States increase every year due to the fact that people drive more and more cars and the rising house costs often forces some people to move farther away from their job’s location. The U.S. Federal Highway Administration estimated that in March, vehicles travelled a total of 246 billion times which is still a lot but the figures are down by 4.3 percent from last year.

Monthly comparisons though can’t be all that accurate as there are also other factors to consider like changing holidays and weather conditions can have significant effects with people deciding between driving and just commuting. This trend, though, seems to have begun last winter. In between the 12 months till March this year, the total miles driven was 2.99 trillion which is one percent lower than the figures 12 months before. Reasons seem to be obvious, even the gas stations think so; the continuous rise in oil prices is forcing people to find alternative modes of transportation. On the other hand, some people believe that the slow down in US’ economy is also playing a part in the story but the big factor contributing to this change is the fact that oil prices are higher. This is proven through a research that they conducted in gas stations wherein they found out that many Americans tend to stay home when the gasoline is over $4 a gallon.

In addition, the Conference Board also surveyed consumers about their vacation plans over the coming months and they learned that a very low percentage of these people consider taking driving vacations. Gasoline prices were considerably lower, than what it is now, when they asked these people so you could safely assume that the number of people who are considering a change in their routine vacation plans have increased.

But there is a good thing coming out of all these increases. With people constantly looking out for ways to save money through the reduction of their energy consumption, the Environmentalists who have long been urging people to conserve for years and years are now being heard. Al Gore might think that he hit the nail on the head when he came out with the movie “An Inconvenient Truth” back in 2006 when hummer sales suddenly decreased. But the reality here is that “price” still matters the most to people and that this decrease in hummer sales might be attributed not to the fact that he got people to go green but it is due to the fact that these people didn’t want to spend the extra “green” on high gas prices. But still, some people obviously got the message as the sales for hybrid cars are on the rise. People looking to lower their energy consumption are opting to go for hybrid cars which are easy on both the pocket and the environment.

David Jackson is an Internet Marketer and a driver concerned with the current rising gas prices around the World. So with all the essential information and powerful tools needed to help you lower your gas bill in running your car at the maximum fuel economy , can be found at Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Copyrights@ Carpediem. This article may be printed in any form , on the guarantee that the article stay the same without any omittances , deletions , alterations or changes throughout this article. This copyright is to stay with this article.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hydrogen Fuel Car Kits

The price of gas is increasing almost every year and the effects are greatly felt especially by the less fortunate people. You see, when the price of gas increases, the prices of basic commodities also increase. With prices of commodities soaring high, you will definitely need to save money so that you can prepare yourself for the ‘rainy days’. One way to save money is by purchasing hydrogen fuel car kits.

What are hydrogen fuel car kits? If you’re familiar with hydrogen technology, then you probably know about cars that make use of hydrogen fuel. If the price of gas becomes unreasonable, more and more people will want to use alternative fuel. The reason why gas prices are always increasing is because oil reserves are depleting. Besides, if people can find a cleaner alternative fuel, why use gas at all? Gas contributes to pollution and one way to reduce pollution is by using hydrogen fuel.

You can now get the hydrogen fuel car kits in major online stores and local stores. Steve Miers is the man behind the car kits which can help you convert your car into a hydrogen car. You can get two benefits in using hydrogen fuel for cars – one is that you can cut down your gasoline expenses and secondly, you can help in preventing or reducing pollution. As long as your car is working in excellent condition, you can convert to using the car kits.

Improve mileage now by purchasing the hydrogen fuel car kits. The car kits are reasonably priced and if you’re lucky enough, you can even find good deals especially from online stores. You must ensure that you’re purchasing a good hydrogen fuel car kit. It should be of the best quality so buy only from reputable sellers and distributors.

Check the background of the stores as well as their suppliers. A lot of unscrupulous individuals and groups roam the internet; so beware of scammers.

At present, the production of hydrogen powered cars is limited due to limited sources of hydrogen fuel. There are very few hydrogen stations in some parts of the world. Besides, the use of gas can’t just be toppled over. Perhaps in the future, hydrogen cars will be more acceptable. Considering the excessive pollution and global warming, hydrogen technology will benefit everyone.

If you like to do DIY activities, the hydrogen fuel car kits will keep you occupied. The kit is equipped with step by step instructions on how to convert your car. The materials needed are also included in the kit and so you will simply assemble them. Take time to understand the procedure. You must not make a mistake. So before you go to your car, read the instructions first.

When you’re ready, put all the materials needed near the car and within easy reach. Assemble them carefully; double check to avoid mistakes.

Once the car kits are installed, you can now enjoy driving with the use of hydrogen fuel. You simply have to make a one-time investment by purchasing the car kits and after that, you can save a lot of money and at the same time, double or even triple mileage.

Get the hydrogen fuel car kits now. You can shop around first before you make any purchase so that you can get the best deal in town.

David Jackson is an Internet Marketer and a driver concerned with the current rising gas prices around the World. So with all the essential information and powerful tools needed to help you lower your gas bill in running your car at the maximum fuel economy , can be found at Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Copyrights@ Carpediem. This article may be printed in any form , on the guarantee that the article stay the same without any omittances , deletions , alterations or changes throughout this article. This copyright is to stay with this article.