Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Changes In Vacation and Driving Habits Due to High Gas Prices

Price is a huge factor which is why many Americans find themselves trying to conserve energy consumption utilizing ways that were thought to have been forgotten since the early 1980’s. But still, one foolproof way to save on gas is to drive less. Common Sense. Normally, the number of miles driven in the United States increase every year due to the fact that people drive more and more cars and the rising house costs often forces some people to move farther away from their job’s location. The U.S. Federal Highway Administration estimated that in March, vehicles travelled a total of 246 billion times which is still a lot but the figures are down by 4.3 percent from last year.

Monthly comparisons though can’t be all that accurate as there are also other factors to consider like changing holidays and weather conditions can have significant effects with people deciding between driving and just commuting. This trend, though, seems to have begun last winter. In between the 12 months till March this year, the total miles driven was 2.99 trillion which is one percent lower than the figures 12 months before. Reasons seem to be obvious, even the gas stations think so; the continuous rise in oil prices is forcing people to find alternative modes of transportation. On the other hand, some people believe that the slow down in US’ economy is also playing a part in the story but the big factor contributing to this change is the fact that oil prices are higher. This is proven through a research that they conducted in gas stations wherein they found out that many Americans tend to stay home when the gasoline is over $4 a gallon.

In addition, the Conference Board also surveyed consumers about their vacation plans over the coming months and they learned that a very low percentage of these people consider taking driving vacations. Gasoline prices were considerably lower, than what it is now, when they asked these people so you could safely assume that the number of people who are considering a change in their routine vacation plans have increased.

But there is a good thing coming out of all these increases. With people constantly looking out for ways to save money through the reduction of their energy consumption, the Environmentalists who have long been urging people to conserve for years and years are now being heard. Al Gore might think that he hit the nail on the head when he came out with the movie “An Inconvenient Truth” back in 2006 when hummer sales suddenly decreased. But the reality here is that “price” still matters the most to people and that this decrease in hummer sales might be attributed not to the fact that he got people to go green but it is due to the fact that these people didn’t want to spend the extra “green” on high gas prices. But still, some people obviously got the message as the sales for hybrid cars are on the rise. People looking to lower their energy consumption are opting to go for hybrid cars which are easy on both the pocket and the environment.

David Jackson is an Internet Marketer and a driver concerned with the current rising gas prices around the World. So with all the essential information and powerful tools needed to help you lower your gas bill in running your car at the maximum fuel economy , can be found at Hydrogen Fuel Cells

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