Saturday, June 14, 2008

Steps in Improving Your Gas Mileage

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David Jackson

Friday, June 13, 2008

Water Gas for Dummies

The world is made up of 75% water. It is in this light that geniuses have looked at water as a potential source of energy. People must have realized that petroleum will run out soon and that we all need a fresh break from the expenses incurred o gas. Everyone knows that as soon as gasoline prices go up, all goods and services will also reach high heavens in terms of prices. This is because all goods and services are related to logistics—the science of delivering goods and services from its original form as a raw material to the end consumer.

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If you are skeptic about the fact that you can run your car on water or hydrogen fuel, you will be proven wrong. This technology, as discovered or developed by Yull Brown, has been around for over 90 years. People just were not aware of it because it was not commercialized. There is a specialized process in tapping water as a source of power to propel cars and engines. One should not be misled that the actual water can be used as a replacement for gasoline. This is not the case.

A car running on water needs a converter just like any other alternative fuels for cars and engines. It is called a hydrogen fuel generator and this is installed to the car. But before going into that, one needs to know how water is used for this amazing technology. What goes on is that a form of hard carbon called coke is burned and then mixed with steam. This process results to producing hydrogen and carbon monoxide.

These products are used as supplements for gas. It is true that hydrogen can be tapped as a full source of power, as it is being used in hydrogen bombs and hydrogen power plants. However, for a car that runs on water, the hydrogen functions as a stopper from burning the gas. Hydrogen does not burn easily and so this results to gas being burned slowly, too. The ultimate result is better gas mileage. People have observed, too, the gas mileage can improve up to 50%. And if this is translated into financial figures, this means about $3,000.00-$4,000.00 of savings a year.
Hydrogen fuel from water is now the buzzword in the energy community. Everyone is developing hydrogen fuel systems and other gadgets that can assist in making this fuel source a success. Other than to increase gas mileage, this development in alternative fuel also promises environmental protection.

The by-product of hydrogen when burned is oxygen and we all know that oxygen is integral to the survival of humanity. When hydrogen is burned, it does not result to carbon dioxide the way normal gasoline does. As a result, no toxic pollutants are released to the atmosphere. Other than this, the entire car is also protected. Carbon easily results to rusting a car. With the reduced amount of carbon when water gas is used, one can expect to have his car last longer.

David Jackson is an Internet Marketer and a driver concerned with the current rising gas prices around the World. So with all the essential information and powerful tools needed to help you lower your gas bill in running your car at the maximum fuel economy , can be found at Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Copyrights@ Carpediem. This article may be printed in any form , on the guarantee that the article stay the same without any omittances , deletions , alterations or changes throughout this article. This copyright is to stay with this article.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this only available in America?

No, absolutely not, our technology works anywhere in the world.

Will this work in any weather and road conditions?

Yes, absolutely! Water-fuel technology has been proven to work in harsh weather and road conditions.

What do I get if I purchase your product?

As soon as your payment is processed, you will receive our revolutionary conversion kit/guide. Just follow the simple instructions to run your car on water.

Will this void my warranty?

No, absolutely not. Our conversion is 100% reversible. It will not void your warranty in any way.

Will the water freeze in winter? does your system function fully if I live in an area with extremely cold winters?

Our system is designed to work even in the coldest weather conditions, we have customers from all areas of the world, including areas with extremely cold winters, the system still performs to the highest level, this is fully explained within our manual.

Is this legal?

Yes, absolutely!

Where can I get the raw materials?

All of the raw materials required with our system cost less than $50 and can be found at your local hardware and auto-part stores easily, we have even included a list of various stores which have this components throughout various cities to make it even easier for you.

For More Information Click here

Water for Gas as an Alternative

Water gas is the buzzword for motorists nowadays. So much has been written on a car that runs on water and a water fuel car. In an endless effort to sustain energy, people have developed so many types of fuels that can power engines and cars. As a result, so many types of fuels such as diesel, high octane, bio fuel, biodiesel, and others, have been formulated to maximize petroleum and save on gas. People have even used LPG tanks to power cars and this has proved to be effective. However, the downside is that it cannot get the car to perform at its maximum level.

It is therefore out of the question that everyone who uses gas wants to save. Gas prices do not go down, only up. It takes many years for nature to create petroleum—probably hundreds or millions of years. It is in this light that chemists have been incessantly looking for fuel alternatives. Of course, the best solution is to find an alternative whose resource is unlimited. And this is water.

Technology has allowed people to boost their research. And now, water can be used as a gasoline alternative. Do not be fooled by advertisements that water can be used purely as a gasoline alternative. The truth is, water as gas, also called hydrogen fuel, only sustains the gasoline’s power to increase gas mileage.

What needs to be done to tap to this resource is to install a converter in the car. This converter is called a hydrogen fuel generator. The product of this conversion is pure hydrogen power. This should never be underestimated since hydrogen is also what is used for bombs. Just imagine its power and you will have an idea how strong it is and how capable it is to propel engines and cars.

The basic process of extracting hydrogen fuel from water is by burning hard coal, also called a coke, and mixing it with steam. This process produces carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Accordingly, this process has been around for over 90 years and this has actually been in used in common households. However, it was not really tapped as a resource until this time because there is now a growing need to find alternative resources for fuel.

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So what happens is that hydrogen is blended with the common or ordinary gasoline. Since hydrogen does not really burn that fast, the gasoline is also not burned fast. This results to better gas mileage. Studies show that the usage of this technology can improve gas mileage up to 35%. With this figure, one can say that an average user can save up to $1,000.00 USD per annum. If you have four cars at home then this translates into $4,000.00 USD per year, just about equivalent to a manager’s monthly salary. This may look like minimal savings but money saved is still money earned.

Hydrogen fuel has lots of potentials. However, without enough people who will support it, it may just die down like many other fuel alternatives that were developed before.

David Jackson is an Internet Marketer and a driver , concerned with the current rising gas prices around the World. So with all the essential information and powerful tools needed to help you lower your gas bill in running your car at the maximum fuel economy , can be found at Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Copyrights@ Carpediem. This article may be printed in any form , on the guarantee that the article stay the same without any omittances , deletions , alterations or changes throughout this article. This copyright is to stay with this article.

Of Hydrogen Fuel Generators and Water Gas

Anyone who wants to save can find alternative ways to create power. And this is what water gas is all about. The objective is the same as with other alternative fuels that were developed years and years ago, which is to save in the consumption of petroleum or gasoline and save money. However, what others did not do before was to look at the very resource that is most abundant of all: water.

Experts Agree: Water is Viable Fuel Technology

Yes, it is now possible to run your car on water. All you need to do is to install a hydrogen fuel generator in your car. This is actually cheaper than many forms of hybrid. If one will take a closer look, a brand new hybrid car whose engine was remodeled will cost about $31,000.00 USD. This is actually ironic because the purpose of getting a hybrid is to save money. Apparently, what could have been saved was already spend on the car alone! Now take a closer look at hydrogen fuel from water. This is sold at an average of only $150.00 USD. The best thing about this is that the installation does not need any engine remodeling.

In a nutshell, what this converter does is to extract hydrogen from water. This is then blended to gasoline and gives a delaying effect in the burning process of gasoline. Hydrogen does not burn that fats but has tremendous power. Just think of hydrogen bombs and you will have an idea how much power hydrogen fuel can bring into your car. Hydrogen fuel from water is extracted by burning black coal and dousing it with steam. Along the process, hydrogen and carbon monoxide are formed and this is the very water gas that we use today—also called Brown’s Gas.

Dozens of hydrogen fuel systems are now available for almost every car unit. As mentioned earlier, one does not need to convert the car. What needs to be done is to buy a hydrogen booster kit and then this can be easily installed as long as one person has basic knowledge about tinkering car engines. The result is heavenly since one can save a lot in gasoline. Once the generator is installed, the motorist will feel right away that his car has better gas mileage.

Also called as HHO, keep in mind that it is not likely for your car to run with this source of energy alone. It still needs gasoline. Now to set it up, one needs to also remember that a hydrogen generator has four components for gasoline-powered cars. For diesel, there are only three. This device is also called electrolyzer. Among the other components that you should remember are the fuel heater and the electronic control circuit. For diesel engines, there are no electric control circuits. It will also be a wise decision not to tinker on cars if you do not know much about engines. Otherwise, what could have been a power saver can only turn up to be an added expense for you.

David Jackson , an Market Affiliate and a driver is concerned with the current rising gas prices around the World. So with all the essential information and powerful tools needed to help you lower your gas bill in running your car at the maximum fuel economy , can be found at Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Copyrights@ Carpediem. This article may be printed in any form , on the guarantee that the article stay the same without any omittances , deletions , alterations or changes throughout this article. This copyright is to stay with this article.

Nourish Your Car with Water Gas

Quite literally speaking, water can really nourish a car. This is made possible by water gas. Not only will it keep the car engine neat and tidy but it will also help maintain a clean and green environment. Developed and used for over 90 years now, water gas has just about the same challenges as bio fuel and bio diesel. Nobody wanted to invest on it. Now that people have realized that the world has practically run out of petroleum, almost everyone is looking for alternative ways to get energy and propel engines and cars.

Also called Brown’s Gas, hydrogen fuel is made to substitute water for gasoline but not in its entirety. Yull Brown was the one who developed this technology. After 90 years of development, end consumers can now enjoy the many benefits of hydrogen fuel from water. Now, the only thing that needs to be done is to install a gadget that will convert hydrogen in a form which car engines can turn into energy or power.

Contrary to what has been published in many websites, water does not really propel the car. Although it is a common idiom to say that you can run your car on water, the water really acts as a supplement to gasoline. There is a process in which gas is synthesized so water gas can be produced. Essentially, hydrogen fuel is made by passing steam over hot coal—also called coke. The product is carbon monoxide and hydrogen.

Care should be practiced when handling this because carbon monoxide is poisonous. As far as the power is concerned, one should simply take note that hydrogen is also made into bombs. Simply speaking, power is not a question. This type of fuel does not burn easily. For this reason, gas is consumed less if this is blended with gasoline just about the same way as bio diesel is blended. The ultimate result is better gas mileage.

It was reported that the amount of money that can be saved is more than $4,000.00 USD per year with continuous usage of this fuel. Aside from that, the actual installation is cheap. One needs only to shell out $150.00 USD to get a hydrogen fuel generator. This means there is no need to convert the actual engine. The generator will just be attached to the car engine and it will do all the leg work for you. It is not difficult to maintain such as converted cars that use LPG gas tanks as a source of fuel. Also, it is a lot cheaper than hybrid cars. Hybrid cars can cost up to $30,000.00 USD. Do the math.

As mentioned earlier, this has been an invention, or development, that has been around for years. However, there was a major issue regarding its commercialization due to major petroleum companies blocking it. Their companies will bankrupt if they allowed this fuel to reach the masses. Now that this miracle is with us, everyone can benefit from its wonders and save as much gas.

David Jackson , having been concerned with the current rising gas prices around the World , so with all the essential information and powerful tools needed to help you lower your gas bill in running your car at the maximum fuel economy , can be found at Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Copyrights@ Carpediem. This article may be printed in any form , on the guarantee that the article stay the same without any omittances , deletions , alterations or changes throughout this article. This copyright is to stay with this article.

How Much Can You Save on Water Gas?

People would think that it is a dense idea to run car on water. Well, it is a great idea since water does not run out. We were all taught that 75% of the world is made of water and this holds true. Underneath the earth, there is still water. Skeptics have always negated the possibility of a car running on water. Unfortunately for them, this shot in the moon or what has been said ambitious undertaking has finally come true.

Not to be confused with a bio fuel, water gas is not at all entirely new in the fuel industry. This has been around and in used for over 90 years but it was never fully commercialized because there was no need yet for alternative sources of fuel. Now that oil wells seem to have dried up, people have seen the value of this discovery and this type of alternative fuel has been the buzzword in the fuel community. Biodiesel and biogas are now not getting that much attention. The talk of the town now is hydrogen fuel.

The basic need to tap to this resource is a hydrogen fuel generator or converter. Hydrogen is extracted from water and it is separated from oxygen and this is what is being tapped as fuel. Well, not really fuel but some sort of extension to gasoline. Hydrogen fuel from water should not be taken lightly. Always remember that hydrogen is used for bombs. Hydrogen has just about enough power to destroy cities as much as atom bombs.

So, a car that runs on water is not at all impossible. One would have thought how this is all possible and how this could possibly work. In reality, hydrogen found in water will not burn because it is already fused with oxygen. What needs to be done is to extract this hydrogen out of this combination. There is a process that needs to be completed and once hydrogen is extracted, it can be used to blend with gasoline. Once this happens, the gasoline on your car does not burn easily. As a result, you will experience better gas mileage.

Saving money is out of the question. This is the primary benefit of water gas. Studies have proven that users can increase gas mileage up to 30%. Some even claimed that they have increased gas mileage by 50%. If this is translated to dollars, this means saving more than $5,000.00 a year per car. Also, the hydrogen fuel converter is only worth about $150.00 USD. Installation may be done by the car owner as most of these come in with DIY or do-it-yourself manuals. A warning, though, one should not tinker what he does not know or it may result to accidents.

Lastly, this type of fuel burns cleanly. Unlike gasoline from petroleum, water gas does not emit harmful chemicals in the air. In fact, it helps the environment since its by-products are needed by nature. It only emits oxygen. It does not emit carbon or any harmful chemical pollutants.

Having been concerned with the current rising gas prices around the World. So with all the essential information and powerful tools needed to help you lower your gas bill in running your car at the maximum fuel economy , can be found at Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Copyrights@ Carpediem. This article may be printed in any form , on the guarantee that the article stay the same without any omittances , deletions , alterations or changes throughout this article. This copyright is to stay with this article.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Why Use Hydrogen Fuel Cell?

It is out of the question that all motorists want to save on gas. People have already attempted several ways to this and it may be said objectively that some innovations were deemed successful. We can make biofuel diesel as an example. This was something that was developed years ago and yet it is only this time that this is being fully utilized. If you are familiar with McGyver, there was this episode in which he ran a jeep with an egg yolk. Cool. As technology progresses, what seems to be impossible and hilarious before is now taken into serious consideration. And some of these inventions proved to be successful, just like the water gas.

No one would really have thought that water van run engines and motors. But yes, water gas is a real existing fuel that can run machines and cars. What goes on here is that cars’ engines are being modified to accommodate water gas. This type of fuel is made by burning hard coal or coke and then mixing it with steam to create carbon monoxide and hydrogen. The truth is that this has been around for more than 90 years. However, petroleum conglomerates tried their best to hide this from the public so their businesses will keep on earning. Now that it is out in the open, many people are skeptic about it. And the sad part is, only few are willing to support it.

Creating water gas may be simple. However, without enough funding and commercials, this will not be marketed appropriately to the masses. Without other companies that will support it, there will be not enough means to convert machines into what is ideal to support water gas. People do not realize that water gas can improve a car’s mileage by almost 35%. Studies conclude that the average savings of a car using water gas regularly is about $900.00 USD per year.

Aside from saving, water gas is environment friendly. This is not like petroleum gas in which the pollution reaches the high heavens. Instead, the exhaust from water gas adds oxygen to the air. So instead of contributing to pollution, water gas actually contributes to the betterment of the environment.

In essence, using water gas is better than hybrid cars. The conversion is cheaper and the benefits are practically endless. Normally, it will only cost $150.00 USD to convert a normal car into one that can accommodate or use water gas. Another thing: hybrids that are designed as such from manufacture cost about $21,000 to $30,000 USD. This in itself is a very high price as an investment. This is ironic because the goal in buying a hybrid car is to save. Apparently, it is costly right at the start as opposed to converting your typical car engine to accommodate water gas.

Practical people can easily be enlightened on this technology ion innovation. Always remember that the environment and its resources are the most crucial things to keep in mind. With water gas, you help the environment instead of pollute it.

David Jackson has been an affiliate marketer for 4 years , has been concerned with the current rising gas prices around the World. So with all the essential information and powerful tools needed to help you lower your gas bill in running your car at the maximum fuel economy , can be found at Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Copyrights@ Carpediem. This article may be printed in any form , on the guarantee that the article stay the same without any omittances , deletions , alterations or changes throughout this article. This copyright is to stay with this article.

Water Gas 101

Surely, everybody wants to save on petroleum and gas. The cost of gas just gets higher and higher every year and it never goes down. People have come up with several innovations and yet apparently, there is something that does not connect. We have this biodiesel fuel and electric hybrid car and many other forms of power sources to propel cars and machines. Good thing that people have invented the water gas. Obviously, what is the better and unlimited source of power but the very thing that comprises 70% of the world: water.

Although it may seem weird, it is true that water is now used as a solution to propelling cars and other machines. This is made possible through forming carbon monoxide through hard carbon. When charcoal is burned, one will observe that it will form carbon monoxide if it is allowed to burn oxygen. This process creates hydrogen gas. In summation, water gas is a synthesis of both hydrogen gas and carbon monoxide. This process is cheap and does not require a lot of research nor investment the way oil companies do.

This innovation will change how things work and will give a different perspective in running machines and industries. Certainly, there are still many people who are skeptic about the power of water gas—probably as skeptic as the people who did not believe in the potential of biodiesel fuel decades ago. It was said before that biodiesel fuel is a far shot. Now, more and more countries are embracing the power of biodiesel fuel and they have made significant investments on infrastructure to support its production and usage. The potential problem of water gas is that it may become the very reason why water would run out. However, that is another story.

Water gas is a colorless and poisonous gas. Accordingly, it is bluish in color because it is a very hot gas. So, really, can car run on water gas? The answer is yes. This technology is now available and many people are choosing water gas as an alternative to fuel than hybrid cars. This proves to be efficient and cost-friendly since water gas is easily made. All that is needed to produce it is water or steam and hard coal or coke. Normally, the conversion of the motors or machines for cars will range between $150.00-$200.00 USD. Of course, since water gas is a lot cheaper, it is needless to say that anyone who invests on the conversion of his car’s machine will definitely get back what he spent in no time.

It was said that gas companies and oil magnates tried to hide this technology from people. This rumor may have some truth to it. If water gas is indeed the successor of fuel, then it means the end of the petroleum and oil companies. However, there is a counter argument for this. Water gas has been available since the 1950s and this is what many households used. So if this was hidden form the masses, then why was it used as early as the ‘50s?

David Jackson has been an affiliate marketer for 4 years, has been concerned with the current rising gas prices around the World. So with all the essential information and powerful tools needed to help you lower your gas bill in running your car at the maximum fuel economy , can be found at Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Copyrights@ Carpediem. This article may be printed in any form , on the guarantee that the article stay the same without any omittances , deletions , alterations or changes throughout this article. This copyright is to stay with this article.

The Basics : Running a Car on Water

Commonly known in the scientific world as Brown’s Gas, water gas or water fuel is a derivative of hydrogen form water. It is always debated whether this can really fuel cars or if it only serves as a fuel booster. Well, the answer is both may be true. Water is now being tapped as a source of fuel. However, it should not be mistaken that the water in itself is being used to run engines and machines. What happens is that hydrogen is extracted from the water and I used to increase the capacity of gas. In some cases, the hydrogen is converted to another form which allows itself to become the source of energy to run engines.

The device used to convert water into a source of energy is hydrogen generator. It is something that can be installed by anyone and it does not require any modification to your car. This is also cheap in comparison to conversion of ordinary cars to hybrid since hybrid cars have more functionalities needed to have the conversion completed. The hydrogen generator is installed in the car’s engine compartment and as a result, the hydrogen it generates sustains the mileage capacity gasoline.

Brown’s gas has the power of hydrogen, just about the same with the power of hydrogen bombs. It is in this nature of hydrogen that the energy is drawn from. It has the strength of hydrogen and yet it is very stable as the chemical component of water, which is hydrogen dioxide. Believe it or not, hydrogen fuel can run a truck. It is also called HHO and if one does not want to use it as a main source of energy, it may serve as a blend with gasoline. Since hydrogen does not burn that easily, this translates into gasoline burning lesser than what is required. As such, mileage is increased.

It is reported in many studies that the usage of hydrogen gas or Brown’s gas can increase mileage of up to 250%. Although the normal number is 50% only, this is still a big amount of money compared to using gasoline in its pure form. One should take note that many may claim that that hydrogen is used as a sole source of energy. However, it is disputed that this still needs to run with gasoline. Experiments are now being done to tap hydrogen as a real pure source of energy without having to blend it with gasoline.

Environmentalists will be happy if all people will use hydrogen power. This is precisely because the hydrogen burns cleanly. It does not emit harmful chemicals to the air as gasoline does. In fact, hydrogen emits oxygen when it is burnt. We all know that we need oxygen to survive. Needless, to say, everyone will benefit from the exhaust of hydrogen gas. Aside from that, there are no harmful chemicals involved in the process of making hydrogen gas or water gas unlike oil. Petroleum wastes cause poisoning and contamination to rivers and other water resources. However, hydrogen gas will only go back what it has taken from Mother Nature.

David Jackson has been an affiliate marketer for 4 years, has been concerned with the current rising gas prices around the World. So with all the essential information and powerful tools needed to help you lower your gas bill in running your car at the maximum fuel economy , can be found at Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Copyrights@ Carpediem. This article may be printed in any form , on the guarantee that the article stay the same without any omittances , deletions , alterations or changes throughout this article. This copyright is to stay with this article.

Nourishment for Your Car

How true is it that a car can create fuel by itself? With the advent of the water gas technology, cars can now create fuel from water and mix it with the gasoline to increase mileage. Along with the other fuel alternatives, water gas is fast becoming a source of alternative fuel next to biodiesel. True enough, water was thought to be the source of life, this is what we use to nourish ourselves. This is what we use to clean, bathe, and so on. No one really would have thought that water can also be used to sustain engines and machines.

Before moving on how to make your car create fuel from water, let us discuss the basics of water gas. Water gas has already been in existence for the past 90 years. Only few people know about it because no one really put a substantial investment on it. It has already been in use for household engines or machines but it was only this decade that it was used to its full potential. This kind of fuel—the water gas—is also called Brown’s Gas after its developer, Yull Brown.

To create water fuel or water gas, one needs to install a device in the car. Just like biodiesel fuels and other types of alternative fuels such as LPG fuel. To make things clearer, the actual water is not really propelling the vehicle. What this device does is to separate the hydrogen from water. The hydrogen is then mixed with the gasoline and the effect is that gasoline burns slower, which increases the mileage of the car.

Called the hydrogen generator, this can be easily installed without having to modify parts of the car’s engines. As opposed to many alternative fuel types, the devices used on them are expensive and they require serious modification of car engines. This is the reason there are car manufacturers that created hybrid cars. Hybrid cars are also expensive compared to water gas. Hybrid cars can cost between $21,000 to $30,000 USD. However, it will only cost around $150.00 USD to get a hydrogen generator.

As far as savings is concerned, it was shown in studies that the mileage of gasoline can be increased up to 250%. The most common mileage increase begins at 50%. This means that the normal gasoline can be harnessed to its full potential. Also, the energy from water gas can be maximized up to three times than ordinary gasoline per gallon.

Before installing a water gas kit, one needs to know that it is imperative that the manual be followed as it is. Otherwise, it will not work as it is supposed to be and this may even lead to loss of money other than gain. There are many kits for hydrogen generators available in many DIY shops nowadays. All one has to do is to pick his choice. It is advised that one should get products that he can return for a refund just in case it does not work because not all hydrogen generators are compatible with all cars.

David Jackson has been an affiliate marketer for 4 years, has been concerned with the current rising gas prices around the World. So with all the essential information and powerful tools needed to help you lower your gas bill in running your car at the maximum fuel economy , can be found at Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Copyrights@ Carpediem. This article may be printed in any form , on the guarantee that the article stay the same without any omittances , deletions , alterations or changes throughout this article. This copyright is to stay with this article.

Hydrogen Fuel : Is it for Real?

This is a question that presupposes that cars can really run on water. Unfortunately for the skeptics, this is true. Water gas has now been discovered and innovated to propel cars. Many people are still not aware about it but it is a working miracle that water can now fuel cars. Just imagine the amount of money one will be able to save on gasoline and diesel if water issued to power engines instead of high-priced gas.

It is claimed that this technology has been around for more than 90 years but it was kept secret and hush-hush because the giant gas conglomerates did not want it out. This is because they will lose a huge amount of business and eventually go out of it. But then people with good hearts will not keep a secret as long as if it will benefit mankind. This is why we have water gas now

As always, people will find alternative ways to save on fuel. Before, the biodiesel gas was a promising source of alternative fuel and yet it took decades before it was supported. Now, water gas is the hottest alternative fuel all around. It is made of burned hard carbon—commonly referred to as coke—and steam to make hydrogen and carbon monoxide. The end product is then used to run engines and even machines.

Since water is nearly everywhere, then there is no issue with where it should be taken from. It has always been said that the earth is made up of 70% water. The only reason gasoline is always priced high is because there is a lack of resources for oil and petroleum. As such, it is only right to think that the solution to the problem is to find an alternative means of fuel whose resource is unlimited. And what else is there but water? Other than that, hydrogen burns without any harmful effect to the environment.

The problem was, hydrogen attached to water molecules do not burn. As such, this cannot be used for fuel. So what the scientists did was to separate the hydrogen form the water compound to get water gas. What needs to be done is to get a water converter to supplement the gasoline as fuel in carts. To date, water fuel is not yet fully being utilized to fully propel engines and cars. Just like biodiesel fuel, it is used in blends.

Saving money is totally not a concern because it is a given. Studies prove that usage of water gas saves mileage. This is because the presence of hydrogen in a gasoline blend makes the car engine use less gas. If this happens, it is expected that the mileage will improve and increase. Studies have shown that the range of improvement for mileage may be 50%-100% and some have even reported that they have reached 250% increased mileage.

Without factoring in money, one can also help preserve the environment because water gas emits oxygen in the air instead of carbon. If gasoline is burned, there are many harmful pollutants released in the environment. If water gas is used and burned, it only emits water and oxygen.

David Jackson has been an affiliate marketer for 4 years, has been concerned with the current rising gas prices around the World. So with all the essential information and powerful tools needed to help you lower your gas bill in running your car at the maximum fuel economy , can be found at Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Copyrights@ Carpediem. This article may be printed in any form , on the guarantee that the article stay the same without any omittances , deletions , alterations or changes throughout this article. This copyright is to stay with this article.