Friday, June 13, 2008

Water Gas for Dummies

The world is made up of 75% water. It is in this light that geniuses have looked at water as a potential source of energy. People must have realized that petroleum will run out soon and that we all need a fresh break from the expenses incurred o gas. Everyone knows that as soon as gasoline prices go up, all goods and services will also reach high heavens in terms of prices. This is because all goods and services are related to logistics—the science of delivering goods and services from its original form as a raw material to the end consumer.

Tornadic Supercell Chase Conversion

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If you are skeptic about the fact that you can run your car on water or hydrogen fuel, you will be proven wrong. This technology, as discovered or developed by Yull Brown, has been around for over 90 years. People just were not aware of it because it was not commercialized. There is a specialized process in tapping water as a source of power to propel cars and engines. One should not be misled that the actual water can be used as a replacement for gasoline. This is not the case.

A car running on water needs a converter just like any other alternative fuels for cars and engines. It is called a hydrogen fuel generator and this is installed to the car. But before going into that, one needs to know how water is used for this amazing technology. What goes on is that a form of hard carbon called coke is burned and then mixed with steam. This process results to producing hydrogen and carbon monoxide.

These products are used as supplements for gas. It is true that hydrogen can be tapped as a full source of power, as it is being used in hydrogen bombs and hydrogen power plants. However, for a car that runs on water, the hydrogen functions as a stopper from burning the gas. Hydrogen does not burn easily and so this results to gas being burned slowly, too. The ultimate result is better gas mileage. People have observed, too, the gas mileage can improve up to 50%. And if this is translated into financial figures, this means about $3,000.00-$4,000.00 of savings a year.
Hydrogen fuel from water is now the buzzword in the energy community. Everyone is developing hydrogen fuel systems and other gadgets that can assist in making this fuel source a success. Other than to increase gas mileage, this development in alternative fuel also promises environmental protection.

The by-product of hydrogen when burned is oxygen and we all know that oxygen is integral to the survival of humanity. When hydrogen is burned, it does not result to carbon dioxide the way normal gasoline does. As a result, no toxic pollutants are released to the atmosphere. Other than this, the entire car is also protected. Carbon easily results to rusting a car. With the reduced amount of carbon when water gas is used, one can expect to have his car last longer.

David Jackson is an Internet Marketer and a driver concerned with the current rising gas prices around the World. So with all the essential information and powerful tools needed to help you lower your gas bill in running your car at the maximum fuel economy , can be found at Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Copyrights@ Carpediem. This article may be printed in any form , on the guarantee that the article stay the same without any omittances , deletions , alterations or changes throughout this article. This copyright is to stay with this article.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this only available in America?

No, absolutely not, our technology works anywhere in the world.

Will this work in any weather and road conditions?

Yes, absolutely! Water-fuel technology has been proven to work in harsh weather and road conditions.

What do I get if I purchase your product?

As soon as your payment is processed, you will receive our revolutionary conversion kit/guide. Just follow the simple instructions to run your car on water.

Will this void my warranty?

No, absolutely not. Our conversion is 100% reversible. It will not void your warranty in any way.

Will the water freeze in winter? does your system function fully if I live in an area with extremely cold winters?

Our system is designed to work even in the coldest weather conditions, we have customers from all areas of the world, including areas with extremely cold winters, the system still performs to the highest level, this is fully explained within our manual.

Is this legal?

Yes, absolutely!

Where can I get the raw materials?

All of the raw materials required with our system cost less than $50 and can be found at your local hardware and auto-part stores easily, we have even included a list of various stores which have this components throughout various cities to make it even easier for you.

For More Information Click here

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