Sunday, June 1, 2008

Water Gas 101

Surely, everybody wants to save on petroleum and gas. The cost of gas just gets higher and higher every year and it never goes down. People have come up with several innovations and yet apparently, there is something that does not connect. We have this biodiesel fuel and electric hybrid car and many other forms of power sources to propel cars and machines. Good thing that people have invented the water gas. Obviously, what is the better and unlimited source of power but the very thing that comprises 70% of the world: water.

Although it may seem weird, it is true that water is now used as a solution to propelling cars and other machines. This is made possible through forming carbon monoxide through hard carbon. When charcoal is burned, one will observe that it will form carbon monoxide if it is allowed to burn oxygen. This process creates hydrogen gas. In summation, water gas is a synthesis of both hydrogen gas and carbon monoxide. This process is cheap and does not require a lot of research nor investment the way oil companies do.

This innovation will change how things work and will give a different perspective in running machines and industries. Certainly, there are still many people who are skeptic about the power of water gas—probably as skeptic as the people who did not believe in the potential of biodiesel fuel decades ago. It was said before that biodiesel fuel is a far shot. Now, more and more countries are embracing the power of biodiesel fuel and they have made significant investments on infrastructure to support its production and usage. The potential problem of water gas is that it may become the very reason why water would run out. However, that is another story.

Water gas is a colorless and poisonous gas. Accordingly, it is bluish in color because it is a very hot gas. So, really, can car run on water gas? The answer is yes. This technology is now available and many people are choosing water gas as an alternative to fuel than hybrid cars. This proves to be efficient and cost-friendly since water gas is easily made. All that is needed to produce it is water or steam and hard coal or coke. Normally, the conversion of the motors or machines for cars will range between $150.00-$200.00 USD. Of course, since water gas is a lot cheaper, it is needless to say that anyone who invests on the conversion of his car’s machine will definitely get back what he spent in no time.

It was said that gas companies and oil magnates tried to hide this technology from people. This rumor may have some truth to it. If water gas is indeed the successor of fuel, then it means the end of the petroleum and oil companies. However, there is a counter argument for this. Water gas has been available since the 1950s and this is what many households used. So if this was hidden form the masses, then why was it used as early as the ‘50s?

David Jackson has been an affiliate marketer for 4 years, has been concerned with the current rising gas prices around the World. So with all the essential information and powerful tools needed to help you lower your gas bill in running your car at the maximum fuel economy , can be found at Hydrogen Fuel Cells

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