Friday, June 13, 2008

Of Hydrogen Fuel Generators and Water Gas

Anyone who wants to save can find alternative ways to create power. And this is what water gas is all about. The objective is the same as with other alternative fuels that were developed years and years ago, which is to save in the consumption of petroleum or gasoline and save money. However, what others did not do before was to look at the very resource that is most abundant of all: water.

Experts Agree: Water is Viable Fuel Technology

Yes, it is now possible to run your car on water. All you need to do is to install a hydrogen fuel generator in your car. This is actually cheaper than many forms of hybrid. If one will take a closer look, a brand new hybrid car whose engine was remodeled will cost about $31,000.00 USD. This is actually ironic because the purpose of getting a hybrid is to save money. Apparently, what could have been saved was already spend on the car alone! Now take a closer look at hydrogen fuel from water. This is sold at an average of only $150.00 USD. The best thing about this is that the installation does not need any engine remodeling.

In a nutshell, what this converter does is to extract hydrogen from water. This is then blended to gasoline and gives a delaying effect in the burning process of gasoline. Hydrogen does not burn that fats but has tremendous power. Just think of hydrogen bombs and you will have an idea how much power hydrogen fuel can bring into your car. Hydrogen fuel from water is extracted by burning black coal and dousing it with steam. Along the process, hydrogen and carbon monoxide are formed and this is the very water gas that we use today—also called Brown’s Gas.

Dozens of hydrogen fuel systems are now available for almost every car unit. As mentioned earlier, one does not need to convert the car. What needs to be done is to buy a hydrogen booster kit and then this can be easily installed as long as one person has basic knowledge about tinkering car engines. The result is heavenly since one can save a lot in gasoline. Once the generator is installed, the motorist will feel right away that his car has better gas mileage.

Also called as HHO, keep in mind that it is not likely for your car to run with this source of energy alone. It still needs gasoline. Now to set it up, one needs to also remember that a hydrogen generator has four components for gasoline-powered cars. For diesel, there are only three. This device is also called electrolyzer. Among the other components that you should remember are the fuel heater and the electronic control circuit. For diesel engines, there are no electric control circuits. It will also be a wise decision not to tinker on cars if you do not know much about engines. Otherwise, what could have been a power saver can only turn up to be an added expense for you.

David Jackson , an Market Affiliate and a driver is concerned with the current rising gas prices around the World. So with all the essential information and powerful tools needed to help you lower your gas bill in running your car at the maximum fuel economy , can be found at Hydrogen Fuel Cells

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